Monday, February 11, 2008

Fire on the Mountain

As I write this tonight, there is devastation just over the mountain side near Living Hope but it is in Red Hill and Ocean View. Both of these are places in which Living Hope has involvement. I don’t have information on Living Hope yet, but when we were heading home you could see the fire coming down the side of the mountain. They do not have the sophistication that America has and so they are not able to really fight it like we can. They have fire trucks in some of the neighborhoods and we saw a couple of helicopters with the water buckets, but the biggest fight they have is the wind. The wind is unbelievable here (30-40 mph gusting up to 50) and it is keeping the fires uncontainable. Mike and I realize the only thing we can do is pray, and believe that He can stop the wind if He chooses. As I know more details, I will update the blog. Please pray for the people here who have lost what little they have and that the crime doesn’t increase due to looking to replace what they lost.

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