Friday, November 20, 2009

Our last few weeks before coming home for Christmas

Last week we had a team here that took out some old cabinets out of one of our buildings. We were asked by the head of maintenance if we had any use for them to help people in the community. We told him absolutely! So we made a plan last Saturday to work on one of our friends shacks. This particular girl has a shack that is about an 8 x 10 and she and her sister and baby all live there. They cook on the floor, keep everything on the floor and her sister has to sleep on the floor. We took a half day Saturday and got some other folks to help and we put in some cabinets and shelves for her. Her shack also leaks so Mike put in a beam across the top to try and raise it so the water would run off not in. She was very happy and thankful for what she was given. We were very blessed to be able to help where we were needed. The needs are never ending we received a phone call this week from a lady just asking for some help because she is hungry. Another lady stopped me in the office parking lot to tell me her shack burned down on Sunday and she had to start all over. As if she had a lot to start with! These are very tough times here and we just ask you to pray for us for discernment as we know we can’t help everyone.
We started back with our Zimbabwe Bible Study 4 weeks ago and we have really enjoyed our time with them. We haven’t had as many people, but we have had more intimacy with the ones who have been coming. This means more to us than the numbers!! One of the prayer requests this week was for the group to continue Bible Study while we are away. We ask that you help us pray for that request, as this is what we are trying to get them to do. Disciple each other!!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we will have 18 volunteers over to our place for food, fun and fellowship. Everyone is quite excited as we will watch a taped football game and then follow it with the Charlie Brown Christmas DVD. We couldn’t get pumpkin pie fill last year so Danielle had a team bring some so we will have traditional pumpkin pie, I have ordered up a cheesecake, and we found green asparagus in a can for a short period of time so we bought a couple of cans to make an asparagus casserole. Everything else we have managed to be able to find. This is a potluck of course, but as hosts we will provide the turkeys, dressing and casserole. A good time shall be had by all!! We will only have 1 week left before we fly out. We must be excited we have already packed a couple of bags

1 comment:

Barry Bard said...

The members of Riverton Church are looking forward to your visiting with us on December 13th to share your love for Jesus Christ and tell us of your work on His behalf.