Monday, March 30, 2009


I know in the game of life we are supposed to have that perfect balance between work, family, and recreation. For most people, it is never a complete circle it usually looks like a broken wheel. In one of the Grassroots classes we took, we had to place a dot on a line in each category on the wheel and then draw the circle connecting the dots. Needless to say it looked worse than a broken wheel. There is a line in a movie that said, “All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.” We have really been struggling with feeling like we have to work 24/7 because there is so much need, but it has finally caught up with us. We have an every Wednesday night Bible study that is going great and we have a set date every Monday with some friends to get together. Today Mike and I hiked about 5 miles around a mountain top and looked down on the beach and the community that we live and work in. It is so breathtaking. These are the moments when we just want to Thank You God for allowing us to work here. We have the beauty mixed in with the poverty. The last few Sundays we would come home after church and work and then our evenings would be filled with answering e-mails etc. for volunteers. We have some decisions we have to make about how much we are trying to take on and we ask you to pray for us to make the right ones. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by telling them we can’t take on anymore work load, but the reality of it is we can’t do it. The volunteer teams have increased again for this year we had 19 teams last year and we have 31 teams committed to coming this year. We also have 39 long and short term vols planned for this year and it is only April. To top it all off my parents are not doing well and this puts a lot of stress on family. Please pray that the medication that they have switched my mom to will help her with her early to moderate stages of Alzheimer’s. My dad is already under 24 hour care with my mom so if she progresses, it will force us to have to make even tougher decisions. Thanks for your prayers and support we feel them here.

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