Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Disturbance in our Bible Study

We knew the time would come when our cultures would collide and it happened last week. We started a new topic on marriage and Mike was talking about keeping the marriage bed pure (Hebrews 13:4) and this caused quite the stir. One guy in our Bible Study that says he is a Christian and believes it with all his heart, soul, and mind, began to argue this point. He has a belief that adultery is only considered in a marriage if there is an exchange for something (paying for the goods like prostitution) If no money is exchanged then it is not adultery. He has been taught this by a pastor or someone with some authority because he had so many “loaded guns” or verses in the Old Testament that he used on Wednesday night. It came up right at the end of our study, so Mike wasn’t going to get started in detail because of the amount of time needed to discuss it. We have since talked with all the other guys in the study and they all agree one woman, one man when you get married. I know it is not up to us to change the way he thinks, because that is the Holy Spirit’s job, but pray for us to be able to clearly deliver the message God intends for us to use this week. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict him so that his family will be drawn closer to Jesus and he will see changes in his life from living this lie he has believed.

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