Thursday, October 01, 2009

Blog, Blog, Blog

Journaling has never been a big thing for me, but I know when we look back on our Journey it will be great to have all of these stories to read about and reflect on what we did along the way. I wrote a blog and it turned out we would use it for a Newsletter article, so I thought I would post this along with Miracles still Happen. We have been waiting for the weather to get better and the sun to set later in the day so we can start back with our Bible Study. The Zimbabwe ladies asked us yesterday if we could go ahead and get started. We are excited about this and plan to start next week. We will only have about 8 weeks before we head back to the states for the holidays. How amazing another year will have gone by. We continue to help Khumi with the bag business as she is still recovering in the Healthcare Centre. We continue to have a steady flow of teams but the individuals have slowed down some. We actually are getting longer term volunteers which are great for the ministry. We have 12 here now that are for a year or more and expect another 5-10 next year. We are also expecting 2 families next year. It is great to see God at work in all of the lives of these people.

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