Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We thank you all who have prayed with us and we praise the Lord for an answer to our prayers for Pam’s parents. Pam has been on “stand-by” for the last couple of months because it seemed like her parents would not be able to continue to live independently. Pam’s cousin, Anne, has been an absolute lifesaver, handling all the daily details that normally fall to the children. Being in South Africa, it was almost impossible for Pam to be there. Pam’s brother, Mike, even with the hectic traveling schedule of a commercial airline pilot, made numerous trips to handle issues and search for solutions. Anne, however, has gone far above and beyond the call of duty. At any rate, both Mike (Pam’s brother) and Pam have been waiting for the call that they would have to go home and make very difficult decisions.
We have prayed and have asked you, many times, to remember this situation in prayer. We have prayed for a miracle that the Lord would enable them to have the capacity to continue to live in their home and avoid the move to assisted-type living for as long as possible. This situation would be much easier to navigate after we have moved back to the US, so we have struggled with all the decisions and implications.
Most of us face many decisions like this in life, and we pray for wisdom and even relief, but the Lord is Faithful. So faithful, in fact, that He usually does not respond the way we want, and that’s usually the good news. This situation is not different, but we praise the Lord for the best possible resolution.
We were touch-and-go for about 30 days, trying to decide if and when Pam should return home to help handle various details. Then, the phone call we had waited for came, Pam would leave in just a few days to meet her brother in Cedartown. The situation had deteriorated, and it appeared Pam’s mother would not be able to care for her dad at home any longer. We had been praying for her mom to regain the stability in her memory and stamina, but her dad had gotten worse, so there did not appear to be any other options. We just did not know how the Lord was working.
When Pam’s mom realized that Mike and Pam were on their way, she was blessed by the Lord with an all new sense of independence and determination to give her very all. Her progress on memory, stamina, and appetite has been amazing and nothing short of a miracle. What looked like some very difficult decisions for her parents and a 30-day trip home for Pam, was not what it appeared. What looked like a bad situation from our perspective, the Lord turned into a blessing for all.
We know God answered prayer, and He is continuing to do so as things continue to improve. Please continue to inquire of the Lord with us for them to be able to remain independent for as long as He has planned, and for Him to use this and every situation to draw men to Him. Thank you for your partnership with us.

1 comment:

jay weinstein said...

Great to read about you Guys-
I remember working in "Paradise" Guatemala with Mike. He sure gets around. I hope you are both well and I know the Lord will protect and encourage you both. I think Mike has a Ukraine picture on the Hopehouse website as well- Be well
