Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am presently reading a book titled, When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, by John Ortberg. When we were packing in Nashville we were 12lbs. over weight in our luggage and had to leave some “stuff” behind. (Jif to be exact!) When we arrived at the Nashville airport, we realized our scales were not exact and in order to keep from paying overage for every bag, we put all the extra “stuff” in one. This cost $50.00. After all, this was our “stuff” and we didn’t want to do without it. Now we are being asked to pay a penalty in London for our extra “stuff” to board South African Airlines. The fee here is 259 pounds, translated into $ 417 US. Ok, now is my stuff really worth it? Yes! We must make it home with the rest of our “stuff.” The ticket agent advises us we can take a purse/backpack, in addition to the one’s we already have on our back and save the $417 fee. Now we have bought more “stuff” to keep our “stuff” in, ($30 US) but we didn’t have to pay that ridiculous fee!!! This is supposed to be a funny story but at the same time it’s a sad one. We all think we need so much to make us happy but the truth is all that we have won’t go with us when we die. The book is based around playing the game of Monopoly, but it is really about the game of life and when we finish the game those pieces go back in the box. I am reminded that it is not about “stuff,” but it is about keeping our eye on the true prize, Jesus Christ, and looking forward to eternal life.

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