Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Entrepreneur class this week

We began our week with 5 of the 9 entrepreneurs from our last class. Mike and Richard met with each person over the last couple of weeks to help them strategize how to run their businesses. Doing it this way helped us weed out the other people who realized they didn’t want to be entrepreneurs. Every time we teach the class we improve on our skills as facilitators. We have had a great week and today is the last day of Phase II. In the class each day we opened with prayer and shared a devotion. Throughout the class we used Biblical Christian Principles to back up our teaching. The first Phase (one month ago) we found that our Christian brothers and sisters in the class, including a Pastor, were not fair in negotiating amongst each other during the game. Two of the groups bankrupted and the third one won out of greed, but would have eventually bankrupted had we continued playing. Our last game we played yesterday, everyone worked together and came out as winners. As leaders, we are very excited to see they had learned how to negotiate and rely on God’s ways to run a business. I believe that Living Way has truly made an impact on the lives of these 5 people and they will in turn share these teachings with others in their communities. Join us in praying for this class to succeed and that they will impact their communities and change behaviors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Talleys!
Was just thinking about you today!:)
Wanted to stop by and say 'howdy' from TN!
Christy R
(of the Secret 7):)